Posts Tagged ‘sugar cravings’

I must be near the bottom now

February 23, 2009

… because I don’t think I can go much lower.  Yesterday was the culmination of two weeks heading mostly down a slippery slope. We had a buffet and some friends round, and I can’t even remember what I ate but I know it included pretty much a whole Pavlova and a whole bunch of other sugary stuff. I slept 10 hours last night too – I hardly ever sleep more than 6. I think that’s the sugar. This morning my wife, bless her, took all the remaining cakes and biscuits with her in the car when she went out.  She even remembered the caramel squares from Thorntons, with their crystallised sugar which (like meringue) is pretty much crack cocaine for me. As those went in the bag I felt a little cry of anguish inside me, and almost stopped her from taking them.

It’s hard to believe that less than 3 weeks ago I felt in almost total control with food, was losing weight nice and steadily, and really looking forward to a summer where I’d be several stones lighter than last year. Now, hear I sit, back in my fatter jeans, like a pathetic washed up junkie. At least that’s how I felt last night and first thing this morning. I’m getting a bit more of a grip now. I don’t like being the person I was yesterday one bit. Today will just be hour by hour – I have to fight back somehow.

Cadbury’s creme egg report

January 26, 2009

Today I gave in to the lure of my favourite sweet treat and had a creme egg on the way through the station. I think that makes it four so far this year. Ordinarily, I would reach that landmark some time around 2 Jan, along with eating all kinds of other crap. Four in a day hasn’t been at all unusual in the past, and I’ve been known to hit double figures now and again. So one a week isn’t really too bad.

Sugar Cravings coming & going

January 25, 2009

Yesterday was really tough. Was looking after both children and my youngest was not in a co-operative mood, which caused a certain amount of stress, but I’m not sure that had much to do with my cravings. Whatever the reason, they were back with avengance, and I was pre-occupied by a need for sugar virtually all day. I didn’t give in to it much (couple of biscuits and a few crumbs of birthday cake), but I was snappy with the children and generally in a foul mood. I just thought all the positivity from the hypnosis had worn off and I was back to the old me, and I know there’s no way I can get through many days like yesterday on will power alone without caving in.

Today has been fine though.  Been out with the family getting some fresh air and gentle exercise, and even got a little real exercise at the end of the day as they all got the bus up the hill back home and I walked. After naming his tree last weekend, today Isaac named “Derek the Duck Rock” (a rock that was shaped like a duck, apparently, though not obviously enough for my untrained eye), as well as  “Rocky Path” and “Muddy Bank”.  He enjoyed himself though, and that’s the main thing. I’m determined that the outdoors will be a big part of his life, and I’ve discovered that, like so many things in life, it’s all about the marketing.  If I suggest we go for a “walk” he will do anything to get out of it. Walks are boring, he hates walks. But if I suggest we go for an “adventure”, he’s usually up for it.

I feel back on track and full of positive energy. Mind you, that won’t last long, as the treats in store for me this evening include my tax return, renewing my road fund license, and paying a big pile of bills that we’ve just got forwarded from our old house. Oh, the joy:)

A triumphant day

January 22, 2009

Yesterday was a very good day. It’s funny, because on any of my 27 (approx) previous big initiatives to lose weight, I’d have though it was a bad day. My calorie consumption was slightly on the high side I suspect – don’t know exactly but I’m guessing at lunch as I ate in a restaurant. BUT, the old me would have eaten twice as much at least. And as I’m now concerned with changing habits for life rather than precisely how many grams of fat I may or may not have burned off in one day, there were some great positives.

#1 – Had a business lunch for the first time this year, quite an important meeting. I therefore wasn’t too focused on the food, as I had to concentrate on the meeting, and being a man, can only think of one thing at once.  Here’s the great thing. Without really thinking about it, and without trying, I just naturally put down my fork with quite a lot of Spaghetti Carbonara left on the plate, and pushed it away. Not because it wasn’t nice, it was lovely, but because I had had enough. And the lady I was meeting, who I would guess is a size 8 at most and very glamorous, ordered the same and cleared her plate!

#2 – I wore my belt on the fifth loop all day, and am doing so again today. I bought this belt on 5 Jan and was using the third loop then. It’s a bit tight now, but definitely a bit too loose on the 4th.

#3 I smashed my own world record* for walking from the station to my house (the long way round) by 6 minutes, coming in at the 34 minute mark. Disappointingly, I still had to have one puffing and panting stop 3/4 of the way up the hill, but I’m going to do it all in one go soon.

#4 I didn’t eat between meals apart from an apple when I got home late at night, or anything sweet at mealtimes.

*It’s fair to say that this particular world record is not one that is focused on by many of the worlds top athletes, as the IOC have yet to introduce “walking from the station to my house (the long way round)” as an official Olympic event. This is disappointing, but does increase my chances of hanging on to the record. I am the official timekeeper too, and operating anonymously, so that’s gotta help. Whatever, it was a personal best.

Can you be addicted to food?

January 20, 2009

When I last spoke to my doctor about my weight, he suggested I see a nutritionists, and basically lectured me on discipline and choices. I pleaded for help with the psychological side of my eating, but it fell on deaf ears. It wasn’t (just) that there was no help available, he genuinely had no idea what I was talking about.

Most naturally slim people stick rigidly to the belief that sugar/chocolate/food in general are not addictive, and that (by implication at least) fat people are simply greedy and stupid.  This seems to be pretty much the official line of the UK Government.

But yet I, and I believe thousands of others, have found myself in a state of complete desperation to get hold of chocolate on occasions. Regularly, I used to buy anything up to 2000 calories worth and eat it in secret. Sometimes I would buy it while on my way home or to meetings, and park up somewhere quiet to eat in privacy. When a plate of chocolate biscuits appeared in a meeting, I often couldn’t concentrate on the topic until they’d all gone. I would plot strategies to take as many as possible without looking too conspicuous. Pathetic? Well, yes. But I’m sorry, these are not the behaviors of someone with a normal relationship with food who is just being a bit greedy. They are the classic behaviors  of a shameful addict.

I don’t buy the argument that food can’t be addictive. I think anything could be addictive, for someone. Everyone accepts that gambling is addictive and that doesn’t involve putting anything in your body. So there is obviously more to it than externally administered chemicals.

Things that lead to problem eating

January 19, 2009

I thought I’d try and summarise my learning so far, and come up with a list of things that lead me to eat when/what I shouldn’t. I’ll probably add to it over time. If anyone else would like to add any observations of their own, I’d be really interested. I’ve made up some names for the categories that didn’t have names, because it seemed like a good idea;

Fidget eating – this is when I eat because I’m bored or restless. Typically I’ll be working from home, and get up for a wander about – but wander straight to the kitchen as the only natural destination.

coping strategy – have alternative destinations. My plan was to go to the end of the garden and look at the view next time I feel similarly restless. Today, however, I would need a complete change of clothes when I got back, and possibly a pack of huskies to get there. So I will content myself with wandering round the house or just getting a glass of water.

Socialisation – this is when you feel obliged/pressurised to eat too much or the wrong things because others you are with are doing so, and you don’t want to be a party-pooper.

coping strategy – try and put yourself in their shoes? How will they feel if you don’t “conform”.  If they’ve spent all day preparing something special for a dinner party then they probably will be a little upset if you don’t try it, but that doesn’t mean you need a massive portion. In most cases though, socialisation pressure is probably mostly perceived rather than real. Our friends may not even notice that we don’t eat much, because they don’t think about food all the time like us. It’s Ok to be honest about how hungry you are, and say you don’t need any more because you are full. If they are supportive friends then maybe you just tell them exactly what you are doing and why it’s an issue – but I am very wary of becoming a diet bore, I hate it when other people chunter on about their diets all evening.  If you really need an excuse you could pretend to feel a little unwell. But if you give in once in a while, let it go and don’t worry about it. It’s not really about what happens at parties, it’s the day in, day out that makes or breaks weight control.

Reflex eating – this is when I see something, am tempted, and stuff it in my mouth almost unconsciously.

This is one of my biggest problems. All through the Christmas holidays (which lasted 2 weeks for me) I didn’t eat one single excessive meal, not even Christmas day. But I just couldn’t help myself when the chocolates or party food came out. Specifically, reflex eating is when something happens unexpectedly, or when you encounter food in passing. If you go to the shop to buy chocolates or even go to a cupboard to find them, that’s not reflex eating, it’s pre-meditated. Reflex is “see it -want it -scoff it”. Chocolate biscuits in meetings are another killer for me.

coping strategy – I’m not close to cracking this one yet, but what I’m trying to do is count to 10 and ask myself if I’m really hungry, and if so, whether what I’m about to eat is the best solution. Of course, chocolate will never survive no.2. If I’m really hungry I need to eat some proper food. If I’m not, and I still want whatever the temptation is badly after 5 minutes, I’m going to have some – but try and have only a little. If you are consumed by desire for something, that’s not a good state of mind and a small piece of chocolate probably does less harm than a whole day of fighting demons. I’m doing much better at this the last week and a half or so, but that may be because the Christmas goodies have all gone and there’s less temptation around.

Chain reaction – often triggered by reflex eating, but can happen for all sorts of reasons, this is where one (biscuit, chocolate, whatever) leads to another, and another, all in quick succession. This happens to me a lot with Chocolates. The Quality Street tins at Christmas were a classic example – I would be unwrapping the next one the second I’d put one in my mouth. I can get so wrapped up in the chain reaction that before I know it, I could have gone through 500 or 1000 calories in minutes.

Coping strategies – if I decide in a conscious and considered way to allow myself a treat, I need to remove the source of them (chocolate box etc) or remove myself from its vicinity before tasting anything sweet. But better still, avoid the chain reaction by avoiding the first mouthful of the evil narcotic that is sugar.  If it does start, I will alert myself by humming Diana Ross’s “chain reaction” and dancing out of the kitchen (I haven’t tried this last one yet, but it could work).

Inattentive eating –  Inattentive eating is eating while not paying attention to the food or your body’s signals. Fat people mostly don’t think about food when they are actually eating, as Paul McKenna so astutely observed. Eating in front of the TV has to be the biggest cause of this, but it happens in all kinds of ways. If you don’t pay attention to your body (as well as your taste buds)  you are most likely going to eat too much, if you are prone to doing so. For naturally slim people I guess the body’s “I’m full” signal is stronger than the brains “yum yum” signal and the seratonum hit that goes with it. For us lardies, it’s the other way round.

coping strategies – Slow down, chew food longer and savour the taste more, put food or cutlery down between mouthfuls, put less on the plate in the first place, leave something on the plate regularly.  Avoid eating in front of TV and if you do, make double the effort to do all of the above.

Inattentive eating, I discovered, was a much bigger problem than I originally thought for me. Right now, I’m pretty much in top of it, but the challenge is to sustain that and make it normal rather than exceptional.  How long that will take, I don’t know. It already feels less unusual than it did, but nothing like normal. Months certainly, years maybe. Maybe it’s already too late. I don’t think anyone who has smoked for 20 years ever truly becomes a non-smoker, in that they would react completely differently to one cigarette than someone who never smoked before. That’s ok, if I have to remind myself before every meal for the rest of my life, so be it. It’s still better than not fitting in one seat on planes & trains for the rest of my life, or the rest of my life being cut short.

Emotional eating – most commonly a reaction to being miserable or upset, but the opposite can also be true for me, as I have often “celebrated” with an eating binge. This, I think, is a simple case of faulty brain wiring, brought on by years of bad habits.

coping strategies – hypnotherapy has helped me a lot with this one, by reminding me that overeating actually makes me feel bad for a lot longer than it makes me feel good, and that I need to deal with the emotion in a better way. I find I’m doing OK with this. My long-lasting emotions tend not to be overpowering . I can be miserable all day if I’m bogged down with work and it’s raining, but I have learned to recognise that and manage it. Eating to cheer myself up will have the opposite effect. My overpowering emotions like elation or rage don’t last long, so a few deep breaths and counting to ten will usually be enough to suppress the eating urge. I may need to go for a short walk if I’ve been speaking to the a tax man or my useless **&!!$** phone company.

Derailment – this is my word for when something unexpected breaks my plan up. For example, today a series of phone calls made me late taking lunch, then just as I was about to make it, I was unexpectedly asked to collect my son from School. It was snowing, and getting back was tricky, so by the time I did it was 4 p.m. and I was starving. The old me would have scoffed anything that could be put straight into my mouth – biscuits, crisps, bread etc. Today I didn’t, I had a half portion of the lunch I had originally planned, which pushed me on nicely to dinner.

coping strategies – as soon as the derailment occurs, think of a new plan for food for the rest of the day.  Decide what to eat before entering the kitchen, drink water, and concentrate on not eating anything until the “proper” food is ready.

Habit – plain old habits are responsible for lots of unnecessary eating. Everybody’s bad habits are different, but we have to spot the ones that do the most damage and fix them. Most important in this is breaking the habit and doing something different – I almost think it doesn’t matter what to start with.

That’s my list for now, I’ll probably add to it over time. Does anyone else recognise these issues, or have any others? Does anyone have any better coping strategies? Is anyone actually reading this rubbish anyway?

First hypnotherapy session

January 15, 2009

I’m catching up on a week’s news here, forgive me, I’m a novice at this blogging lark.

Had a hypnotherapy session last Friday.  It was really interesting, and I found it quite relaxing and enjoyable. We talked a lot, set some goals, and then re-enforced (apparently) these behaviours under hypnosis. I have some simple things to focus on

  • Walk to the station or equivalent  3 times a week
  • Eat slowly and attentively, putting down food or cutlery between mouthfuls, eating at table wherever possible with no TV or other distractions. Ask myself if I’m hungry and only eat if I am.
  • Drink water first if I suspect I’m hungry but am not sure
  • Watch out for emotional eating by asking myself why I want to eat, and if it’s not hunger, doing something else instead.

We talked about the things that make me eat chocolate and other rubbish, or just overeat generally. Turns out there are rather a lot of them.  One thing we’ve identified is what I’m going to call “fidget eating”.  Many times, especially when I’m working from home, I get up from my desk and go and get a biscuit or other snack, for no other reason than I want to leave my desk for a bit. So I’m going to try walking to the bottom of the garden instead.
My diet was good that day. But then it would be, I’d just forked out £260 to talk about it, that’s got to focus the mind.

Deliberately looked at lots of sweet counters on Saturday to “test” my hypnotherapy. Did seem less drawn to them than before. Tried a small piece of chocolate just to see if it made me want more, and it didn’t, much. Didn’t do anything much for me actually. “Wow, that’s never happened before – I’m cured”  thought I. Next day I tried a Creme Egg, just to verify the test.  I melted into it like a kind of whole-body experience, the taste enveloped me like almost never before, it was heaven. So the cure didn’t last very long. BUT I was strong, I didn’t have another, or massively want one.  Did polish off the last 3 chocolate cookies when I got home, but still, my meals were good, and for me that’s a good day.

It’s now almost a week since the session, and I’m doing good. Had one mouthful of my wife’s chocolate brownie last night, that’s the only sugary food for 3 whole days now. But what’s more surprising is how much less I’m eating at mealtimes since I’ve started paying closer attention and eating at the kitchen table rather than in front of the TV. I’m not making any effort to eat less, just to eat till I’m full. I didn’t realise I had much of a problem at normal mealtimes, I thought it was all down to snacking and meals out – but it wasn’t.

And I have my first small sign of success – I’ve just realised my belt has been one notch tighter all day, without feeling tight.