Off the bottom

Finally I have a positive update. Much better day today. Have avoided sugar and eating between meals completely. Can’t say it’s been easy, but it’s done. Walked to the station but forgot to change back into my bootd before leaving the office so had to get the bus home, which was disappointing as I was looking forward to the walk. But all in all, a very good day.

One thing I’ve re-focussed on today is eating only at the table.  I let that slide in January when I got confident, but I think it’s more important than I gave it credit for. It’s not so much the meal that you eat in front of the tv or wherever, as the overall idea that eating is an event – not something you should do while doing something else and not thinking about what you eat.

2 Responses to “Off the bottom”

  1. Liam Says:

    Hi Shrinkingdad

    I’ve just found your blog and thought I’d message you to see if I can help in any way. I’m a weight loss coach.

    You’re a little out of my way in Yorkshire (!) but I’d be happy to put together and email a weight loss plan to you. No charge, no strings…

    Just drop me an email if you’re interested.


  2. Tyler Says:

    Eating only at the table sounds like a brilliant weight loss method. I have not heard of that technique but it makes so much sense.

    Think about all the times we sit on our couch and munch on chips. If we could sit at the table and focus on preparing healthy, whole meals, we would all be better off.

    Thanks for that insight. That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while.

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