
I’m a 43-y-o man living in West Yorkshire, in the north of England, with my wife and two young children. I run a Digital Marketing agency (we build web sites and stuff) for a living, just a small concern but has always consumed just a bit too much time.  I was overweight from very early in life, and really always have been. Probably about 80lbs overweight by the time I was 19, and it’s just kept going up in a yo-yo kind of way, until I hit 23 stone (320lbs) for the first time  in November 08.

By the end of 2009 I am aiming for 15 stone (210lbs). I’ve done th maths and figure that if I eat just what I would need to maintain a healthy weight and excercise for an average of half an hour a day, I should make it. That’s the theory, now for the tricky bit.

I want to

– work less and have more time

– climb mountains and do long distance walks

– play football with my son as he grows up, without embarassing myself or having a heart attack

– play badminton competitively again and maybe take up coaching (I was good at it 20 years ago, then work took over)

– meet some new friends through this blog

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