Posts Tagged ‘bad breath’

Making headway

January 29, 2009

Today was good. I’m fairly sure my staple breakfast is key to everything. When I have a good start the rest of the day falls into place more. Today I had three light meals, did allow myself a slice of cake after one and a mini ice cream after dinner, but haven’t eaten anything at all between meals. Had a walk to the local town and back too, and for the first time I actually strode back up the hill to my house with some purpose. I attacked it. It’s no longer a challenge simply to put one foot in front of the other and make it to the top, I’ve moved on a stage. I’ve taken an important step towards my fitness challenge, and it feels really good.

I also weighed myself  for the first time this year. I wasn’t planning on doing this but I needed some confirmation of my progress after a couple of not so great days. I’ve lost about 15lbs since mid December, probably almost all this month. My bad breath problem seems to be under control too, don’t know if it’s the mouthwash or whether it’s just cleared up by itself.

I have another hypnotherapy session tomorrow, which I’m looking forward to. It’s not midnight yet and I’m leaving my tax return and all the other stuff I should have done by now and prioritising looking after myself. I’ll get the return done online tomorrow with any luck, and if I don’t I’ll just pay the fine.  Sorting my health out is more important, so I’m going to bed, not a little elated. Life is good.

Ugh, my breath stinks

January 22, 2009

I’ve noticed the last few days my breath is disgusting. I’ve experienced this before when I had a spell on the Cambridge diet (don’t try it), and I’ve heard it’s common for people on low carb diets, but I didn’t expect it from eating a healthy balanced diet, which is what I thought I was doing. Still think I am actually.

Following some online research, I’ll try drinking even more water, mouthwash and chewing gum, and we’ll see how it goes. This is a bummer. Hopefully it’s just that eating like a normal human being is such a shock to my system that it will take me time to adjust. While I’m not by any means “low carb”, I have cut out a ton of sugar so I’m a lot lower than I used to be. Maybe the reduction is what does it?